What is Codification?

The codification – or organization – of ordinances is an essential part of the governmental function.  It provides both local governments and citizens with a body of current, enforceable regulations, in a way that makes the law easy to use and reference. When new legislation is passed, we can update your Code of Ordinances to reflect the most recent changes.

Hand holding pen against paper
Documents laid out and overlapping

Why Codify?

Efficient government

Municipal and County employees function more efficiently with current law easily available, organized, indexed, and at their fingertips (in book form or online/mobile access).

Good government

Codification is good government. Every municipality and county should have up-to-date, clearly written, accessible laws easily available to their citizens.

Ease of enforcement

All current ordinances on a given subject are contained in one area of the code, such as a chapter or section. The administration of the regulations and the penalties are set out clearly within that portion of the code.

Public access to current law

Laws and regulations become readily accessible to all members of your community. Posting your code online makes this a snap.

A roadmap for clear law

Organized codification keeps the legislative body from enacting redundant or inconsistent new ordinances, and lets the council or board view the body of law as a whole and note any gaps in coverage which may need new legislation.

Here’s Help: Ordinance Drafting Guidelines

These PDF guidelines will  assist you in drafting new ordinances.

Huge stack of papers