The American Legal Difference
We are America's Codification Leader with:
More years of codification experience
We have a team of experts unmatched in total years of codification experience. Many staff editors have more than 20 years of codification expertise. We have a former City Law Director, former City Mayor, and former Neighborhood Council President working with you.
More attorneys on staff than any other codification publisher
We employ a dozen legal professionals so you’ll always have experienced and qualified staff working on your codes and answering your questions.
Our mission is to provide you exceptional quality, service and support. Codification is our sole business and driving interest. You won’t find a more dedicated team of codification experts to help you anywhere. American Legal is a proud member of the International Code Council Family of Solutions.

National Growth
American Legal currently serves more than 3,000 municipal and county clients nationwide.
Our clients include the cities of New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Dallas, Fort Worth, Boston, Tucson, Cleveland, Albuquerque, San Francisco, Honolulu, Boise, Salt Lake City, Colorado Springs and many others.
National Team
We have codification consultants located in Ohio, Kentucky, Texas and California. All have vast experience working with local governments across the country. Put our experience to work for you.
More Help for Local Governments
Best Way
American Legal’s team of lawyers and editors are dedicated to finding the best way to keep your municipal codes organized and updated. Online publishing in our code library makes it quick and easy for your community and officials to find and reference the Code of Ordinances.
Basic Model Codes: Money-Saving Partnerships
Smaller governments save time and money utilizing a Basic Code or Model Code created to address all their code needs without the expense of a customized code. We offer this service in conjunction with many state municipal leagues, including Indiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio, Oregon, and South Dakota.

Online Code Library, available 24/7
Our partnerships
We’ve built American Legal through strong partnerships with international, national, state and municipal organizations, associations and leagues. We value these relationships and are dedicated to supporting their important services.
Get in touch
We've helped hundreds of municipalities codify laws since our inception more than 80 years ago, and we would like to bring that experience to your next project.
Reach out using the form below.
Athena Chenoweth - Legal Assistant, General Counsel Division, Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office