As a member of the ICC Family of Solutions, American Legal Publishing is proud to share ICC Innovation - digital solutions to empower growth and efficiency. ICC Innovation integrates the world's most trusted digital tools and the latest SaaS applications to transform how communities operate and thrive.
Tools for publishing and researching building, municipal, and zoning codes online.
ICC’s Digital Codes is the most trusted and authentic source of model codes and standards, providing access to the latest code text across the United States. ICC Digital Codes Premium is a monthly or yearly subscription offering that unlocks access to hundreds of the latest codes and standards and tools and features that allow users to search codes, add notes, bookmarks, access supplemental content, view real-time code change proposals, significant code changes, license sharing and more.
eCodeALP is an online library of over 2,500 municipal and county codes. Online codes allow users to view, search, download, print, annotate, and bookmark sections of their code. Codes published on the eCodeALP online library can be customized with links to ordinances, resolutions, meeting minutes, maps, large tables, and links to outside sources.
MapLink is an interactive zoning map service powered by ZoningHub. MapLink interactive maps are intuitive to use and have more features than typical GIS maps. Search by district, parcel, land use, address, owner, or GPS location. Easily apply or remove overlay district maps onto street maps, aerial maps, and topographic maps.
Create targeted mailing lists using maps. MapLink can also provide direct links to zoning code text, permits and applications, dimensional standards, consultant directory, create sharable parcel level zoning summaries, and offer alerts and notifications about zoning maps.
Software platforms and services make it possible to conduct government business from anywhere.
Laserfiche® Premier Partner is a content management and process automation platform that provides secure and reliable tools for converting paper records into searchable digital records and bringing them into one central repository. From there, employees can collaborate on, or automate, their tasks and work with other integrated software like ProjectDox®, DocuSign®, Microsoft Office®, Microsoft SharePoint®, and more.
Take permit applications online, including the inspection scheduling request and the application review. Easily track and manage plan review steps from the office or remote. Create unique templates for specific inspections, fees, internal reviews, etc. Track activities related to applications and inspections. Create detailed inspection checklists based on ordinances. Include building plans with applications and manage application escrow/bond processes. Track assets such as signs, fire hydrants, and park benches and generate reports. Track and manage work orders and maintenance items. Generate letters, fees, and registration renewals.
DigEplan is an electronic plan review software that can be integrated into the existing document management system. This allows applications to be reviewed by multiple departments without circulating hard copies. Reviewers can visit plans at any time from any location. Large plan sets open quickly and easily. Compare resubmitted plans, electronically sign and stamp documents, and extract correction comments from marked-up plans.
ICC Professional Development offerings include a range of training and certification opportunities to earn CEUs, LUs, or PDHs for Code Council certification renewal and career advancement.
ICC Online Learning is a robust library of online courses ranging from beginner to advanced topics in all the ICC codes including building safety, fire, design and construction, safety, plumbing, mechanical, fuel gas, and leadership. Earn continuing education units, learning units and/or Professional Development Hours (CEUs, LUs and/or PDHs) that can be used toward Code Council certification renewal.
S. K. Ghosh Associates is a premier technical resource on structural codes and standards. S. K. Ghosh provides seismic and code-related consulting services to agencies involved in designing and constructing buildings and other structures impacted by the provisions of building codes. S. K. Ghosh educates agencies through publications, training sessions, peer reviews, research projects, computer programs, and code interpretations.
PRONTO is a technology-based testing method established by the International Code Council. ICC partners with ProctorU Platform, making it possible to take an exam at one of over 500+ Meazure Learnings (ProctorU Platform) Test Centers or from any remote location.
We've helped hundreds of municipalities codify laws since our inception more than 80 years ago, and we would like to bring that experience to your next project.
Reach out using the form below.
We typically respond within the same business day.
Cathy Schroll - Village of McComb, OH